Hospital Radio Basingstoke

Month: May 2013


Postcard from France Goes Live Again

HRB was once again live from the South of France on Sunday 19 May as Paul Le Feuvre presented another edition of Postcard from France Live. The "Postcard" shows which also come from Spain and New Zeland, give HRB listeners […]


30 Years for Paul

HRB's Paul Le Feurve has received his long service award for his 30 years involvement in hospital radio. It was presented by the Hospital Broadcasting Association's Southern Regionn Rep Neil Ogden at a regional gathering in Guildford on 12 May. […]


Celebrating Eurovision on HRB

It's time once again for the world's biggest singing competition – The Eurovision Song Contest takes place over the next week in Sweden building up to the grand final on 18 May. HRB marks the occasion with some special shows: […]