Hospital Radio Basingstoke


On Air Now 10:00 - 12:00

HRB Morning Mix

Local News and Information

HRB is your local multi-award winning radio station, broadcasting around the wards at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital and beyond.  Hospital radio has been in Basingstoke for 50 years, helping to improve the wellbeing of the patients at the hospital.

You can request a song to be played by picking up your bedside phone and pressing the hospital radio button on the screen or click on the Music on Demand link above.

If you want to book a request for any of our live Christmas shows, click on the Music on Demand link above

You can also pass on a message to someone you know in hospital  by calling us on 01256 313521 or emailing [email protected].


Proud to be Nominated at the National Hospital Radio Awards 2023


Come and Join Us!

Ever thought of Volunteering?  Why not join our award winning team.

We’re looking for volunteers to join our award winning team.  If you’d like to volunteer at Hospital Radio Basingstoke, you can apply here.  We’re looking for presenters but there are other roles available too. 

Contact Us:

Phone: Pick up your bedside phone and press the hospital radio button to call the studio free

Our external phone number is 01256 313521

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @hrbasingstoke


Be an HRB Supporter – Sponsorship and Advertising 

Your company or organisation can be associated with an evening’s Music on Demand request shows or a particular feature that runs throughout the week. Click here for more information

History of hospital radio in Basingstoke

From Mini Radio in 1972 to HRB 50 years later – the story of Basingstoke’s original radio station.

50th Anniversary Archive

Check out some highlights on video and audio from the last 50 years.


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