Contact Us
You can contact HRB using the form below.
If you would like to request a song, you need to click on “Music on Demand – Request a Song”.
To tell us of a local event, use the HRB Diary page. You can tell us about a local news story using the form below.
If you want to join the station, you need to complete an application form.
If you are a company or organisation that is interested in becoming an HRB Supporter, please go here for the options available. Please note, as we have limited resources and the majority of our live shows are in the evenings and weekend, we cannot accept anyone on work experience. If you wish to come and see the studios, that can be arranged – please contact us below.
From inside the hospital. you can contact us by phone free by picking up your bedside phone and pressing the hospital radio shortcut button or from internal extension 43521 if you’re a member of staff.
Our phone number from outside the hospital is 01256 313521
Our postal address is
Hospital Radio Basingstoke
Basingstoke and North Hants Hospital
Aldermaston Road
RG24 9NA