Hospital Radio Basingstoke

3rd Brighton Hill Brownies Visit HRB


3rd Brighton Hill Brownies Visit HRB

Following in the footsteps of other Brownies, Beavers and Guides, the 3rd Brighton Hill Brownies joined in our Monday evening Music on Demand show with Christine Rowley on 13 July.   The visit was organised as part of their Communications Badge. 

The girls had fun being on air, and helping with reading out requests and station features such as the HRB Diary.  HRB Secretary Julie Graham and Fundraising Officer Anne Wadsworth were on hand to look after everyone and explain more about how the station works.

A good time was had by all.

3rd Brighton Hill Brownies Visit HRB
3rd Brighton Brownies & Christine 1 13.6.15 3rd Brighton Brownies & Christine Rowley 13.6.15
3rd Brighton Brownies & Christine 2 3rd Brighton Brownies & Christine 3
3rd Brighton Brownies & Christine 13.6.15  


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