Hospital Radio Basingstoke

Celebrating NHS75 and 3 Months on DAB


Celebrating NHS75 and 3 Months on DAB

Wednesday 5 July was a special day for HRB as the station celebrated a double anniversary.

Firstly it was the 75th anniversary of the NHS and secondly 3 months of successful broadcasting on DAB.

The station marked the occasion with a special day of shows which started at 9am.  From 11am it was live Music on Demand shows all day with everyone on the wards who had a request being entered into the returning Morrisons prize draw.  

Just before 4, 3 residents of Oak Lodge and Rowan Lodge arrived and enjoyed listening and dancing along to their favourite music.  The Mayor of Basingstoke David Leech arrived at 5 and his first job was to choose the winner of the prize draw.

The music continued into the evening with the usual Wednesday evening request shows and then Richard Smith rounded everything off with an A to Z of Pop special for the NHS’s birthday.

There were over 70 requests played in total, Meridian TV and the Basingstoke Gazette came and visited along with lots of staff.  A day of HRB showing itself off to the community and doing what it does best for two special anniversaries!


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