Hospital Radio Basingstoke

Quiz Night Success


Quiz Night Success

The HRB Quiz Night was back at the Basingstoke Irish Centre on March 10th.  

Teams answered questions on such subjects as sport, music, food and drink and sitcom Only Fools and Horses.  

"If in Doubt" was the winning team.

There was also a raffle with prizes donated by Basingstoke businesses.  

The full scores are as follows:

If in Doubt 61.5
Risky Quizness 59
Buffins Boffins 52
Hugh's Hotspurs 51
Marks Mob 50
The Odds & Sods 49.5
Soggy Bottoms 48
Braindead 48
Gee Bees 47
The know hopers 43.5
Paul's away, let's play 40
The April Showers 39.5
The Know Knots 34.5


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