Have you ever imaged what it would be like to lose your sight? Have impaired vision? Well 285 million people in the world do. This is why World Sight Day was introduced to raise awareness.
Join Christine Rowley on World Sight Day Thursday 12 October 2 till 4pm, she will be talking to the Chairperson of Helping Hands for the Blind, Dave Chatten Smith, about his own struggle with blindness and as the founder of this group, how they can help you.
Alex, member of Helping Hands for the Blind has impaired vision which happened later in life. With a Wife, two children and an enthusiasm to enjoy life he will talk us through his experiences.
Helping hands for the blind is a local life-enhancing charity supporting children and adults who are blind or partially sighted throughout Basingstoke.
Hospital Radio Basingstoke, giving a voice to World Sight Day with Christine Rowley.
Thursday 12 October 2pm